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Undergoing a 14-day isolation period will not prevent D2P from accessing international supply chains.

As a leading digital kiosk provider in the industry, Design to Production (D2P) needed to keep the wheels turning. A few times we had to to stay in hotel quarantine due to the global pandemic. However this did not deter us to get things done and pushing projects forward.

We understand that this may have caused some delay for our customers, but we strive to ensure that our services continue to be available even during challenging times. Under such circumstances, we have done everything to ensure that our digital kiosk products reach customers and fulfil their needs on time and on budget.

We want to provide our customers with the best possible service during this phase. Regardless of pandemic conditions and other such scenarios, our team remains committed to offer products that meet quality and performance expectations.

#14DayQuarantine #ContainmentMeasure #HealthSafety #InfectionControl #PandemicProtocol #QuarantineBus #QuarantineLife #TravelQuarantine #TravelRestriction

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